The Gospel 1: My Conversion

The Gospel 1: My Conversion By: Deji Yesufu Ever since I became a Christian in the year 1998, I have been a member of four church denominations. From 1998 till my graduation in 2002 from the University, I was a...

/ April 15, 2020
new york times newspaper, press room, 1942

The Newsroom

My day began on a dismal note as I watched neighbours go out to earn a living while I stayed back, yet again, hoping for the lucky break. Whenever I left the house, it was to search for a personal...

/ April 13, 2020

A Review of “Half a Millennium” (Free Download)

Few days ago just as the year was running out......I received a gift that turned out to be the the best Christian literature I laid my hands on for the year. The Lord used this book to open my eyes...

/ April 12, 2020

Agony of Self Publishing in Nigeria

By: Deji Yesufu My friend, Lucky James, published his book Tales from Our Past in January 2017. Since I did some editing on the book, I volunteered to help him sell some copies. The day came when he handed over 100...

/ April 12, 2020

“Tales From Our Past” by Lucky James

Review by Deji Yesufu (Published in the Nigerian Tribune of 30th March 2017) For the literary inclined and those who appreciate good prose and well written story lines, Lucky James’ Tales from Our Past is a refreshing break from the...

/ April 12, 2020

Review of “Victor Banjo” by Lucky James

At half past one in the afternoon of September 24th, 1967, four men were lined up for execution in the full glare of the city of Enugu, Nigeria. The men had been tried and condemned by a military tribunal under...

/ April 12, 2020
baby, girl, child

Baby Tara

Lana reluctantly agreed to go with his friend to a christening which was being held at the Lasani Gardens in Lagos.  At the event, it was not long before he launched into the complaining mode. “Does she have to go...

/ April 11, 2020

COVID-19: Fighting a Germ War

by: Deji Yesufu Yesterday I had two interesting but revealing chats with friends. The first person told me he read my suicide notes – where I had readily volunteered myself to work with UCH medical team in the coming days...

/ April 11, 2020

Funke Akindele: Testimony to a Great Nigeria

by Deji Yesufu Two things happened about now that inspired my writing this: I just watched a 2 minute video of BurnaBoy. He was mocking Nigerians, saying that now that the finance office is burnt, all the records of theft...

/ April 11, 2020

Destitute Friends

Wilson had been on his phone for about half an hour now, browsing and doing stuff. He looked up occasionally to glance at the wrestling match on TV across from where he sat. I was fully engaged watching the match;...

/ April 9, 2020