Category: Theology

Sola Abraham Oyelana (1982-2025)
Sola Abraham Oyelana (1982-2025) By: Deji Yesufu A typical working-class Nigerian home is quickly becoming something similar to what is obtained in the Western world. Gone are the days when the man does all the earnings and leaves his wife...

All Hail Lady-Bishop Funke Felix-Adejumo
All Hail Lady-Bishop Funke Felix-Adejumo By: Deji Yesufu Opinion piece writers are not rabble-rousers. They are agents of change in society that mould a people’s worldview towards fostering better socio-economic cohesion. Opinion writers need not be right always, but they...

Why Joshua Selman is a False Teacher
Why Joshua Selman is a False Teacher By: Deji Yesufu A few days ago, I received a rejoinder to the article Biodun Shotola and I published on Joshua Selman in May 2023, where we clearly showed that the man is...

A Call for Discernment: A Response to Biodun Shotola and Deji Yesufu
A Call for Discernment: A Response to Biodun Shotola and Deji Yesufu “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.” – cf. James 3:17 As followers...

John Chapter Eleven: LAZARUS
John Chapter Eleven: LAZARUS By: Deji Yesufu In a recent article, I wrote a phrase out that I probably never thought deeply on until it came out of my thoughts. I stated that “…Jesus Christ will no longer take up...

A Temple God Has Not Built (2025)
A Temple God Has Not Built (2025) By: Deji Yesufu “Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands…” – Acts 7:48 Tai Solarin, the late prominent Nigerian humanist, authored an article many years ago titled “May...

John Chapter Ten: The Good Shepherd
John Chapter Ten: The Good Shepherd By: Deji Yesufu Towards the end of his life, the Apostle Peter wrote: “… For this reason, I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the...

John Chapter Nine: A Miracle and a Scandal
John Chapter Nine: A Miracle and a Scandal By: Deji Yesufu In 2013, Grace Community Church, led by Pastor John MacArthur, did the “Strange Fire” Conference. They pursued one single theme throughout: to correct the Charismatic movement in all its...

T. D. Jakes Goes to Sinai
T. D. Jakes Goes to Sinai By: Deji Yesufu The first and probably only book by T. D. Jakes I ever read is “Naked but not Ashamed”. I’ll confess that I still keep the lessons I gleaned from the book...

Come to Sinai
Come to Sinai By: Deji Yesufu In the late 16th century and early 17th century, Europeans – mostly English men – began to go to the New World to escape religious persecution at home. Many people who came to America...