Tag: Salvation

The Gospel 10: You Must Be Born Again
The Gospel 10: You Must Be Born Again By: Deji Yesufu My children are eight and six. My daughter is the older one. Recently both of them invited my wife and me to a love feast in their room. I...

The Gospel 7: Eternal Security
The Gospel 7: Eternal Security By: Deji Yesufu There is perhaps no Christian meeting I attend where the question “Can a Christian loose his salvation?” does not come up. It is always a beautiful thing to watch ministers of the...

The Gospel 6: Justification by Faith
The Gospel 6: Justification by Faith By: Deji Yesufu Justification by faith was the doctrine that revolutionized my understanding of the gospel. In fact, I believe that it was while studying this doctrine in the book of Romans that I...

The Christian and the Sallah Meat
(For more on this subject, watch the video "Should Christians Eat Sallah Meat?") Friday, September 1st, 2017, was a Muslim holiday around the world and Nigeria had its own fair share of the celebrations. I took out time to visit...

Easter: The Cross and Great Joy
“…for the joy that was set before him, Jesus endured the cross…” – Hebrews The figures of four men can be seen trudging through the rocky grounds of Mount Olives. It is first century Palestine. Jesus leads Peter, James and...