T. D. Jakes Goes to Sinai
By: Deji Yesufu
The first and probably only book by T. D. Jakes I ever read is “Naked but not Ashamed”. I’ll confess that I still keep the lessons I gleaned from the book in my spirit. I learnt from Jakes that Jesus Christ was crucified naked. The loin cloth we see on the crucified Christ was invented by religious people who have since made hypocrisy their hallmark of faith. Jakes encouraged his readers to be real and open with God. Teaching like these has instilled in me a sense of truth in all my dealings with men and God. As I developed in my theological thinking, however, I departed more and more from Jakes, and today, I am almost a 100% anti T. D. Jakes.
You will ask: what is wrong with Jakes? Answer: his teaching and practices.
T. D. Jakes is a confirmed modalist. Modalism is a historical heresy in the body of Christ that teaches a faulty conception of the trinity. Historically, the church regards the trinity as a conception of God where we have one God, and this one God is three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Modalism, however, seeks to reconcile with Unitarianism by teaching that there is one God who has chosen to appear to us in different modes. Sometimes he comes as God the Father; other times he is God the Son; and at other times he is God the Holy Spirit. Abel Damina also teaches modalism, and this is why by historical standards, Damina and Jakes are heretics.
Another very faulty problem with T. D. Jakes is that he teaches and identifies with Word of Faith adherents. Word of Faith is a heretical outshoot of the Pentecostal church that teaches that Jesus Christ died to make Christians healthy and wealthy. It is this doctrine that is at the root of the mega church conception Jakes leads; it is what informs his Celebrity status – if you teach that Christ died to make you healthy, you exemplify this by showcasing your wealth to your congregation; it is what informs his self-help doctrines, where most of his sermons are directed at making the life of his listeners better rather than glorifying God and calling Christians to lives of repentance and faith. Jakes’ Word of Faith is what informs his association with fellow Pentecostal teachers who preach similar errors.
We can not conclude a discussion on Jakes without referring to his “Piddyism”. Piddyism is my description of the whole practice that has led to the scandal and downfall of the musician and business mogul Sean Combs, also known as Puff Daddy or Pdiddy. The allegations are that Sean Combs was in the habit of organizing parties that were often attended by pop stars and movie stars, where all kinds of sordid things occurred. T. D. Jakes has been named as a frequent attendee of these parties. Some people have justified Jakes attending these parties by reminding us that Christ also attended gatherings that religious people termed sinful. The difference between Christ and Jakes, however, is that Christ called his hearers to repentance. There is little likelihood Jakes preached this to Diddy – especially when you consider that Jakes never preaches repentance even in his church.

I have taken the time to give this foundation so that I could explain what I mean by Jakes going to Sinai. Sinai is Exodus 19, and it is the awesome revelation of God to the people of Israel. God never appeared to any person or group of people like that either before that time or after. During that encounter, God gave Israel the Ten Commandments. The manner he did it is what is most instructive. God appeared to these people, but he didn’t show a form. Rather, the people saw smoke, fire, and a terrific trumpet blast that left everyone trembling – including Moses. The message was simple: all men have three days to meet with this same God: be prepared. So, when I saw an obviously ill and aged Jakes slump on his stool while preaching in church, I told those who cared to hear that Jakes had gone to Sinai. What does this mean?
It is a faulty conception of God to say that God is all loving; all forgiving; all merciful; and Father of all creation. This is true, but this is not all the story around the person of God. God is also a consuming fire, which is how the New Testament describes Exodus 19 in Hebrew 12. It is saying essentially that this all loving God is also awesomely holy, and he will judge all sin and rebellion. And that every human being will meet with this God. Our only safety from his wrath is the advocacy of his Son, Jesus Christ. Except that those who call Jesus Lord on earth must also be men who are obedient to him both in what they teach and how they live. T. D. Jakes has preached a doctrine of rebellion all his life and ministry – I tremble at the thoughts of what his judgement before God will be. Jakes had also lived a life of rebellion – some alleging that his association with Puff Daddy is of a homosexual nature. If this is the case, he will not be sharing eternity with Christ. Jakes latest health scare is a warning to him and his hearers: they have three days to meet their God. Except they repent, woe betides them.
One wonders how an individual will teach such a beautiful doctrine as “Naked but Unashamed” yet spend his life and ministry preaching a false gospel. It is a case of a faulty clock being correct only twice each day. This essay is not necessarily directed at Jakes: he is not likely to notice a nonentity blogger at an inconspicuous part of the world. Hopefully, however, his hearers will read it and find other men who teach sound doctrine to follow. Jakes’ close shaves with death is also a reminder to each of us to prepare to meet God at Sinai. You may have three days, three months, three years, thirty years, or even three to meet God at Sinai. Whatever the case, your time is already ticking. Repent today and believe the gospel, if you will find any shelter from an angry God.
Deji Yesufu is the Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ibadan. He is the author of HUMANITY.
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