Category: Sunday Blog (Sermons)
These blog posts are a summary of the messages I, Deji Yesufu, minister at the Christian gathering at Ibadan. They began to published on the 13th of December, 2021. You can reach me on [email protected] for more on when we meet as a church.

John Chapter Thirteen: Humility, Holiness, and Betrayal
John Chapter Thirteen: Humility, Holiness, and Betrayal By: Deji Yesufu Chapter thirteen of John's gospel is the second half of the book. In the first half, our Lord Jesus Christ told the Jews that he was God who had come...

John Chapter Eleven: LAZARUS
John Chapter Eleven: LAZARUS By: Deji Yesufu In a recent article, I wrote a phrase out that I probably never thought deeply on until it came out of my thoughts. I stated that “…Jesus Christ will no longer take up...

John Chapter Ten: The Good Shepherd
John Chapter Ten: The Good Shepherd By: Deji Yesufu Towards the end of his life, the Apostle Peter wrote: “… For this reason, I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the...

John Chapter Nine: A Miracle and a Scandal
John Chapter Nine: A Miracle and a Scandal By: Deji Yesufu In 2013, Grace Community Church, led by Pastor John MacArthur, did the “Strange Fire” Conference. They pursued one single theme throughout: to correct the Charismatic movement in all its...

John Chapter Eight: Jesus Debates for Evangelism
John Chapter Eight: Jesus Debates for Evangelism By: Deji Yesufu Historical events may sometimes be traced through the writings of the contemporary writers of those days. It is therefore noteworthy to state that Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ibadan was undergoing...

Jesus Divides the Jews: John Chapter Seven
Jesus Divides the Jews: John Chapter Seven By: Deji Yesufu The ministry that our Lord Jesus Christ led appeared to have been doomed from the start. You get the impression from some quarters that if God is with a man...

Biblical Cannibalism – John Chapter Six
Biblical Cannibalism – John Chapter Six By: Deji Yesufu I am writing this commentary on John chapter six at a time when Abel Damina, a Charismatic/Pentecostal preacher in Nigeria, is in the middle of a theological storm. Damina had hit...

John Chapter Five: Witnesses to Jesus
John Chapter Five: Witnesses to Jesus By: Deji Yesufu In religious discussions between Christians and Muslims in our day, one piece of doctrine that Muslims would never admit to is the idea that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,...

John Chapter Four: Jesus and a Woman
John Chapter Four: Jesus and a Woman By: Deji Yesufu Seminary education became increasingly despised at a time in the Nigerian religious clime. The idea that a person could just receive a calling, combine it with charismatic gifts, and then...

John Chapter Three: Jesus Teaches Calvinism
John Chapter Three: Jesus Teaches Calvinism By: Deji Yesufu Let me state upfront that the title of this essay is actually meant to be a “click-bate”. A click-bate is a social media cliché that describes what content producers do when they provide a title to their content...