Category: Theology

Reflections as I Turn 47 Today: How I Nearly Died Yesterday

Reflections as I Turn 47 Today: How I Nearly Died Yesterday By: Deji Yesufu Yesterday, I took the most perilous journey of my life. I kept thinking to myself that if I were to die on this trip, people would...

/ December 23, 2023

“Am I Alone Wise” – Martin Luther

“Am I Alone Wise” – Martin Luther By: Deji Yesufu Ryan Reeves is a historian who publishes short videos on historical events on YouTube. I highly recommend his videos on the 16th century Reformation. He takes his time to describe...

/ December 10, 2023

When Your Pastor Resigns

When Your Pastor Resigns By: Deji Yesufu A few days ago, I received a call from a dear pastor friend of mine. This good gentleman told me he had since resigned his pastorate and moved on to other endeavours. The...

/ November 19, 2023

Pastor Ani Speaks on the Loss of his Daughter, Peace

My dear Friends, Peace, my first daughter and child, who was born on 12th January, 1986, slept in the Lord on 8th November, 2023 at University of Jos Teaching Hospital after a brief illness. She had called me a day...

/ November 13, 2023

Our Public Undressing by America

Our Public Undressing by America by: Deji Yesufu As I took my morning jog today, I came across a young woman who was naked. This young woman was in her right senses and was even trying to take public transport...

/ October 31, 2023

My Concern for All the Churches

My Concern for All the Churches By: Deji Yesufu “Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I...

/ October 23, 2023

A Pastor Has No Authority Over His Congregation

A Pastor Has No Authority Over His Congregation By: Deji Yesufu The blessing of a developed theological system is that time makes things clearer. I’ll use a very unlikely but useful example here to make my point. For many years...

/ September 25, 2023

When a Son Should not Succeed a Father

When a Son Should not Succeed a Father By: Deji Yesufu Charles Haddon Spurgeon is the most recent ancestor for all of us who hold profession to the Reformed Baptist faith. When Spurgeon began to pastor the New Park Street...

/ September 21, 2023

“You are a Lying-Thief” – Ray Comfort

“You are a Lying-Thief” – Ray Comfort By: Deji Yesufu It might be important that those of us who subscribe to the appellation “reformed”, remind ourselves that what is genuinely reformed is what is biblical. If there is anything passed...

/ August 29, 2023

As the Lord Commanded Moses

As the Lord Commanded Moses By: Deji Yesufu Sometimes I like to think that another word for theology is controversy. A simple synopsis of Church History will quickly reveal the many controversies that have pervaded Christianity over theological themes. Where men...

/ July 31, 2023