Category: Expositional Preaching

These sets of teaching were a summary of Pastor Deji Yesufu’s Sunday by Sunday exposition of the Bible at Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ibadan, in their meetings at the University of Ibadan.

John Chapter Four: Jesus and a Woman

John Chapter Four: Jesus and a Woman By: Deji Yesufu Seminary education became increasingly despised at a time in the Nigerian religious clime. The idea that a person could just receive a calling, combine it with charismatic gifts, and then...

/ June 16, 2024

John Chapter Three: Jesus Teaches Calvinism

John Chapter Three: Jesus Teaches Calvinism By: Deji Yesufu Let me state upfront that the title of this essay is actually meant to be a “click-bate”. A click-bate is a social media cliché that describes what content producers do when they provide a title to their content...

/ May 10, 2024

Learning John Chapter One at Providence Church

Learning John Chapter One at Providence Church By: Deji Yesufu The Sunday before the Alistair Begg “gay-wedding-counsel” broke out, at church we had looked at John 1:11, which reads “…he came unto his own, and his own received him not…”....

/ March 4, 2024