Category: Featured

The Christian and the King

The Christian and the King By: Deji Yesufu I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead...

/ November 23, 2022

When Religion Encounter Politics

When Religion Encounter Politics By: Deji Yesufu I was at the Lagos Bible Conference this past weekend. It is an annual conference organized by the Sovereign Grace Bible Church (SGBC). SGBC is a leading Reformed Baptist Church in Lagos and...

/ November 8, 2022

Dear ‘Fisayo Soyombo: An Open Letter

Dear ‘Fisayo Soyombo: An Open Letter By: Deji Yesufu I write this letter as a reaction to your latest investigative series, where you have been publishing your findings around churches and mosques – revealing false prophets both in the Christian...

/ November 3, 2022

The Trouble with a Bola Tinubu Presidency

The Trouble with a Bola Tinubu Presidency By: Deji Yesufu Something unrelated to Nigerian politics happened to me two days ago. I discovered that my plumber, who I have been using for the past six years, had been quoting inflated...

/ October 28, 2022

EDWARD KOYE-LADELE: Tribute to a Good Man

EDWARD KOYE-LADELE: Tribute to a Good Man By: Deji Yesufu 23rd April 2017, I was arrested by the Nigerian Police and detained at the Sango Police Station here in Ibadan. My offence was that I was protesting the visit of...

/ October 17, 2022

Still On Kumuyi and Head Covering

Still On Kumuyi and Head Covering By: Deji Yesufu After publishing my article on Kumuyi and head covering at the Deeper Life Church, I received two objections from various comments on the article. The first objection came via a phone...

/ October 12, 2022

W. F. Kumuyi and the Matter of Women Head Covering in Church

W. F. Kumuyi and the Matter of Women Head Covering in Church By: Deji Yesufu W. F. Kumuyi is the General Superintendent of the Deeper Life churches. Kumuyi is one of the longest serving pastor in the Nigerian Pentecostal community...

/ October 11, 2022

I am a Prisoner of Jesus Christ

I am a Prisoner of Jesus Christ By: Deji Yesufu In a number of scriptures in the New Testament, Paul the Apostle referred to himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1; Philemon 1:1,9,23; Hebrew 13:3). The natural...

/ October 10, 2022

The Twinzlove Controversy

By: Abiodun Shotola Recently I read an article detailing how the mother of popular comediennes, known as Twinzlove, cursed every one seeking a reunion between herself, her children and their father. Twinzlove came to limelight when they started making videos...

/ September 23, 2022

Matt Chandler and the Dark Side of Social Media Private Messaging

Matt Chandler and the Dark Side of Social Media Private Messaging By: Deji Yesufu Matt Chandler is the lead pastor of the Village Church, situated in Flower Mound, Texas, USA. He was in the news most of last week after...

/ September 5, 2022