Category: Featured

The Christian and the King
The Christian and the King By: Deji Yesufu I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead...

When Religion Encounter Politics
When Religion Encounter Politics By: Deji Yesufu I was at the Lagos Bible Conference this past weekend. It is an annual conference organized by the Sovereign Grace Bible Church (SGBC). SGBC is a leading Reformed Baptist Church in Lagos and...

Dear ‘Fisayo Soyombo: An Open Letter
Dear ‘Fisayo Soyombo: An Open Letter By: Deji Yesufu I write this letter as a reaction to your latest investigative series, where you have been publishing your findings around churches and mosques – revealing false prophets both in the Christian...

The Trouble with a Bola Tinubu Presidency
The Trouble with a Bola Tinubu Presidency By: Deji Yesufu Something unrelated to Nigerian politics happened to me two days ago. I discovered that my plumber, who I have been using for the past six years, had been quoting inflated...

EDWARD KOYE-LADELE: Tribute to a Good Man
EDWARD KOYE-LADELE: Tribute to a Good Man By: Deji Yesufu 23rd April 2017, I was arrested by the Nigerian Police and detained at the Sango Police Station here in Ibadan. My offence was that I was protesting the visit of...

Still On Kumuyi and Head Covering
Still On Kumuyi and Head Covering By: Deji Yesufu After publishing my article on Kumuyi and head covering at the Deeper Life Church, I received two objections from various comments on the article. The first objection came via a phone...

W. F. Kumuyi and the Matter of Women Head Covering in Church
W. F. Kumuyi and the Matter of Women Head Covering in Church By: Deji Yesufu W. F. Kumuyi is the General Superintendent of the Deeper Life churches. Kumuyi is one of the longest serving pastor in the Nigerian Pentecostal community...

I am a Prisoner of Jesus Christ
I am a Prisoner of Jesus Christ By: Deji Yesufu In a number of scriptures in the New Testament, Paul the Apostle referred to himself as a prisoner of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:1; 4:1; Philemon 1:1,9,23; Hebrew 13:3). The natural...

The Twinzlove Controversy
By: Abiodun Shotola Recently I read an article detailing how the mother of popular comediennes, known as Twinzlove, cursed every one seeking a reunion between herself, her children and their father. Twinzlove came to limelight when they started making videos...

Matt Chandler and the Dark Side of Social Media Private Messaging
Matt Chandler and the Dark Side of Social Media Private Messaging By: Deji Yesufu Matt Chandler is the lead pastor of the Village Church, situated in Flower Mound, Texas, USA. He was in the news most of last week after...