Category: Books

Here books written by Deji Yesufu and Lucky James are reviewed. Books by other authors will subsequently be discussed too.

Agony of Self Publishing in Nigeria

By: Deji Yesufu My friend, Lucky James, published his book Tales from Our Past in January 2017. Since I did some editing on the book, I volunteered to help him sell some copies. The day came when he handed over 100...

/ April 12, 2020

“Tales From Our Past” by Lucky James

Review by Deji Yesufu (Published in the Nigerian Tribune of 30th March 2017) For the literary inclined and those who appreciate good prose and well written story lines, Lucky James’ Tales from Our Past is a refreshing break from the...

/ April 12, 2020

Review of “Victor Banjo” by Lucky James

At half past one in the afternoon of September 24th, 1967, four men were lined up for execution in the full glare of the city of Enugu, Nigeria. The men had been tried and condemned by a military tribunal under...

/ April 12, 2020