Jesus is King!
By: Deji Yesufu
One of the blessings of planting Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ibadan is having to learn and sing hymns with God’s people. There is this one that opens this way:
Rejoice the Lord is King
Your Lord and King adore
Mortals, give thanks and sing
And triumph ever more
Lift up your heart… lift up your voice
Rejoice, again, I say rejoice!
That is the feeling I have this morning as America prepares to go to the polls. I believe that heaven is calling the United States to rejoice because Christ will show that country that he is King. And that by Donald Trump triumphing at the polls, that country will be plunged in such joy and rejoicing like never before. The battle for the seat of government at the White House between the Democrats and the Republicans is a battle between light and darkness. On the surface, the Democrats, as progressives, appear to be the more appealing party. But underneath, that political party is evil – plain and simple. Jesus Christ will be coming to the most powerful country on earth today to proclaim his Lordship via the ballot. And this does not necessarily mean that Trump will win. It simply means that if Trump loses, Christ will be expressing his judgement on America by bringing her long reign as super power to an end. Christ will be handing over the powers of the nations to countries like China and Russia. If, on the other hand, Trump wins; Christ would be retaining America’s dominance in the world. Whichever way you wish to look at it, Jesus Christ is King.
Many years ago, even as recorded in the Holy Writ, there was a king called Nebuchadnezzar. He was the leader of the strongest nation on earth in his time. One day, Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him that He was the King – not him. In Daniel chapter 4, the Bible records that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a dream where a tree grew up on earth to become quite magnificent in sight. On this tree, birds and all kinds of living creatures came and perched on the tree. The tree became a source of life to everyone. But, one day, the “Holy One” decreed that this tree should be cut down, and thus cease to be a source of living for creatures. And that this tree, now referred to as a human, would turned to an animal until…
“… the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men…’ (Daniel 4:17)
Daniel interpreted the dream to the king as God warning Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon to humble themselves. And that if they do not, God will bring judgement on the land by humbling the king. He would turn the king into an animal, until he acknowledges that God rules in the kingdom of men and sets over the nations whomever he wills. After this event, Nebuchadnezzar went on with his life, as if nothing had happened – apparently forgetting that the dream had occurred. One day, he looked over the vast expanse of his kingdom and said in his heart “…Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honour of my majesty?” Immediately, God’s judgement fell on him. He became an animal and moved into the wilds. He stayed there until he acknowledged that God reigns on the earth – that Jesus is King.

The last time our world came to anything close to acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ was during the Coronavirus pandemic. This generation had never seen anything like it – and people were scared stiff; they were not ready to die. What other generations took as a norm, we saw as novelty. Science had so much developed that most diseases have a solution for them. But Jesus Christ manifested himself as king when he brought on our world a pandemic that no one had any solution for. Even the vaccines that were eventually developed turned out to be dreadful failures in many places. Eventually, our world realized that the best solution to the Coronavirus pandemic was the natural one: herd-immunity. That is the situation where we all become immune to a disease because our bodies have developed natural anti-bodies to the disease, after contracting it. It means that everyone of us is today carrying the Coronavirus disease. This was how people survived pandemics in the past – and Christ manifested his kingship by ensuring that science failed, while nature triumphed.
Another way that I believe Christ would soon manifest his Lordship would be through nations’ conflict. The Bible makes it very clear that at the end of the world, nations will be at war with each other. Today, there are two spots of conflicts in our world that is threatening world peace. They are the wars between Russia and Ukraine; and the wars in the Middle East. Modern warfare has taken up a new life of its own with the invention of the nuclear weapon. Many countries, including a rogue one like North Korea today, have nuclear weapons. There is no doubt that full fledged world war will in the days to come follow a nuclear conflagration. Jesus Christ will proclaim his Lordship again by showing the nations that he alone, and not the United Nations, can guarantee world peace.
What will happen in America today would be an expression of Christ’s Lordship over the nations. Elect Kamala Harris and America will increasingly lose her dominance in the nations of the earth. Other countries will rise up to rival her, and to even supersede her. These countries will begin to determine the direction that the nations will take on world politics and world conflicts. And while a Christian worldview has tampered the United States of America and ensured that she leads the nation responsibly; no one knows what would happen if America is overthrown. What is clear however is that whatever happens, Jesus Christ would not cease to be King of the nations.
Let me end on a prophetic note however. I am not saying I have heard a Spirit anywhere; and I am not saying that God has told me anything. But I have the gut feeling that Jesus Christ, who is King, will return to show mercy to the United States of America. I think that our Lord will consider the many prayers of his faithful followers in America and around the world; our Lord will consider the blood of millions of children that have been aborted by a destructive leftist agenda; our Lord will consider again the plain stupidity of the transgendered madness that has taken over the streets of the United States; and our Lord will ensure a Donald J. Trump win at the ballot today. Christ will permit Trump to win not because Trump is a saint, but because Trump’s party, the Republicans, represent the only option that will retain the greatness of the United States. The same way Christ had mercy on Nebuchadnezzar, and restored the mad king to the throne, the Lord will have mercy on the United States and restore America to her prime of place in the comity of nations. America will have a second chance today because JESUS CHRIST IS KING!
Deji Yesufu is the Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ibadan. He is the author of HUMANITY and VICTOR BANJO.
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